All posts filed under: Garden

Will work for food

It’s official – I now work for food, literally. A couple of months ago, I started working with an organization here called Ooooby doing grant research and now some writing. Ooooby does produce box delivery in the Sydney area. As a thank you, I’m now getting free deliveries for my effort. Jason’s joked that I should change my picture on LinkedIn to me holding a sign that says “will work for food”.

Our worm farm and 2,000 Carles

For awhile now I’ve wanted to compost, but in DC we were in a teeny tiny apartment where I couldn’t figure out how to do it. Then, when we moved to Sydney I thought that it wouldn’t make sense to do it here since we’re in an apartment and I”m not sure what we’d do with the compost once it was finished. Finally, I realized that I didn’t care if it was too short a time period to make the investment, or if we’d then have compost that we couldn’t use. If anything, it can serve as an experiment to see how much food waste we generate. And, at the end of the day, if we have too much compost we can give it away to some of my gardening folks. All that being said. I bought a worm farm three weeks ago. You can make them easily if you have the tools, but we didn’t. Instead I just went to the nearest hardware store and bought one. With the kit, I also bought 2,000 …