Foldable Water Bottles

First, I should start by disclosing that I drink a lot of water. Easily over 90 ounces a day. I’m not a large person, so you would think this might be an issue. But I’ve checked with my doctor. Don’t worry, I’m fine.

One thing that I have a problem with, often, since I commute to and from work on public transportation is carrying a water bottle with me. They can be heavy if they’re full, and unnecessarily bulky if they’re not. That’s why I bought a Platypus water bottle years ago and try to have it with me at all times.


Due to it’s unique design, when it’s empty, it can easily fold up to reduce the amount of space that it takes up in your bag. It’s great to carry with you, in case you’re out wondering around or running errands and find yourself to be thirsty. You can pull out this handy guy and fill him up at a water fountain or ask a restaurant to do it rather than buying a bottle of water that you’ll use once and then hopefully recycle. Here’s a picture of the water bottle folded up.


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  1. Pingback: Foldable Water Bottles | one-quarter vegan

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