Kale Salads for Lunch!

I’m sure by now you’ve realized that I use a lot of kale. This is for two reasons, 1. it’s very affordable and lasts awhile and 2. I find the heartiness of kale to be quite filling. Usually, when I cook I try to make enough food for lunch the next day, but that doesn’t always work out. That leaves me with either the option to throw something together, or buy something while I’m at work. I don’t usually like to eat out at work because the food around my office isn’t worth the money you have to pay for it. So, I usually end up with some variation of a kale salad. photo 5

When I’m planning to eat kale for a salad, I try to marinate the kale overnight in olive oil. I know that sounds funny, but it makes the kale a little less dense and easier to eat on its own. To do this, I simply add just enough olive oil to thinly coat all of the kale. I then massage it all together for a couple of minutes, add a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and let it sit out (covered) over night. I then massage the kale again in the morning to further soften it up. Usually when I prepare a salad for lunch, I use somewhere around 2 and 2 ½ cups of kale.

The evening that I prepared this kale, I wasn’t quite sure what else I was going to put on it so I looked around my refrigerator to see what needed to be eaten. I found a small amount of salami from a previous meal and some roasted vegetables that needed to be eaten. So I diced those up and took them with me to work and wah la! You have a super easy lunch that helps you get rid of miscellaneous left overs.

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