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Dark chocolate and cherry peanut butter cups

A couple of weeks ago I was going stir crazy in the house. We had a couple of rainy days, so I started to play in the kitchen. I took this recipe, that I’ve made before for Jason’s coworkers (sans the coconut oil and with milk chocolate) and went a little crazy. This time, I used the original dark chocolate and coconut oil AND I added some cheery preserves to the mix. They were amazing. Instead of making 12, I only made 6. So you can imagine how huge they were. I made them about two weeks ago and have kept them in the refrigerator since. I just take one out whenever I want one, give it a couple of minutes to warm up and enjoy! Ingredients 1 200 mg dark chocolate bar (I use bakers chocolate) 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1/2 cup peanut butter 1/4 cup cherry preserves Instructions Melt the chocolate, either in a double boiler or the microwave. I used the microwave with 30 second bursts of cooking (and then stirring). In …

Pumpkin Biscuits

I mentioned in my last post that I would be providing the recipe for the pumpkin biscuits I made so here it is! I used the pumpkin that we got (see exploring new fruits and vegetables) since we got so much from just the half. They turned out really well! I made one batch last week and still had some pumpkin left over, so I decided to make some for a friend whose house we were going over to. Everyone loved them! It’s always so fulfilling to watch people enjoy something you made and our proud of. I promised myself awhile ago that I wouldn’t buy buttermilk anymore because I never use all of it. So for this recipe, I made my own with 1/3 teaspoon white vinegar and then filling the rest of the 1/3 measuring cup with rice milk (it what I had at home) and waited for two minutes. Ingredients: 1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda …


I just realized that it’s been 6 weeks since I’ve posted anything on here and that’s a real shame. The goal of this blog is to share a part of Jason and myself in the things that we do, the food that we eat, and the changes that we’re trying to make in our lives. So, with that. I’m hoping to get better about posting and sharing our adventures with our friends and family – and with others who are curious about living in Australia and striving towards a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Moving forward, my goal is to post a recipe and something else once a week. The something else could be anything – from a trip we took, to some research that I’ve done, or maybe just an idea that I’ve stumbled across and think is really cool. I’m telling you this because I hope by writing it down I’ll hold myself accountable. Here goes nothing!