All posts tagged: Australia

Will work for food

It’s official – I now work for food, literally. A couple of months ago, I started working with an organization here called Ooooby doing grant research and now some writing. Ooooby does produce box delivery in the Sydney area. As a thank you, I’m now getting free deliveries for my effort. Jason’s joked that I should change my picture on LinkedIn to me holding a sign that says “will work for food”.

Yulara’s Night Sky

We went to Yulara and the Uluru – Kata Tjuta National Park earlier this month and were really blown away. There are a number of things about this part of the Northern Territory that’s incredible, but if I’m honest with myself, the night sky easily surpasses everything else. I’ve spent a good amount of time in areas with little light, in the middle of nowhere, but have never seen a sky like we did in Yulara. 

Melbourne: our first endeavor out of Sydney

This was taken at the St. Kilda breakwater where we saw penguins! I grew up taking vacations that were strict and highly educational. The closest we got to relaxing was going to a zoo, but even then we were expected to read all of the information. You think I’m exaggerating, but I remember one road trip in which I had to name the capital of the state we were in and then three facts about the state. Rather than succeeding in this task, I quickly forgot what state we were in. To be fair, I was probably 11 and we were driving from North Carolina to South Dakota. To be super fun, we took one route there and another route home.

Sydney: Two of My Favorite Things so Far

We’ve been in Sydney for three weeks now and there are some aspects of the city that are quickly becoming my favorite things. Today I’m going to share two with you. First, is one that I can’t really capture for you, so I’m just going to have to tell you about it. All of the intersections in the city have pedestrian signs for when it’s time to walk. Pretty common, right? Wrong! These are super laser signs. When the little red man standing still turns into the green walking man there’s this amazing sound that comes with it. The sound makes me think of what an alien later would sound like. It makes me really happy. Naturally, I walk around the city making laser noises to myself. Obviously. Read more here for the second thing!